
Ideas For The Blog

I have neglected this blog just like I did the old gluten free blog. It's hard to stay focused when being autoimmune without a job and not enough social interaction saps your mental energy as well as your physical energy.
I was going to say I had plans for the blog but it's difficult to call them plans when there is a chance of neglecting the blog and abandoning plans due to procrastination and lack of focus. So I'll call them ideas for now. I'd could try the autoimmune protocol diet and blog about my journey through that. I could share recipes that I use in interesting meals to run alongside diet changes. I could track my health and fitness journey. I'm returning to yoga classes this month after they were closed for the summer. I might take up a martial art as part of a fitness regime. The problem with a fitness regime is the same as this blog - lack of focus. It's hard to practice on your own when it's difficult to stay motivated. Perhaps I'll come up with a system to stay motivated. That could be another idea. I am seriously considering getting a tattoo as well. A medical alert tattoo to replace my diabetes medical alert bracelet. Something that'd look cool but also be functional. I could probably get a blog post out of that, or maybe even drag it out to two or three by tracking the healing process. I could also talk about dealing with physical and mental health issues in relation to being autoimmune.
They are just some of the ideas I can do with this blog. This post is just about getting back into the swing of blogging again and sharing ideas that could potentially become actual plans and eventually become posts. It's all about trying to get into a routine with it I suppose.
 Also, a reminder that if you're looking for a post about something specific you can browse the labels column on the left and clicking on the most relevant one should help you find what you're looking for.

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