
More Worrying Than The Corona Virus

This is somewhat of a continuation of last week's post. I felt as though I'd been glutened a number of days ago but couldn't place where, when or even how it happened. So whatever is inflaming my body is what caused it rather than actual gluten. I'm dealing with an issue that I could go to a doctor about but there is so much more to it than the visible aspect. I asked a doctor about it before and didn't get any help really. I'm worried that if I do get to a doctor before the visual symptom disappears they'll only medicate the symptoms rather than listen to me about what's going on with the invisible symptoms and not investigate the real cause and how to treat it. Overthinking leads me to just wait it out and while the issue is there I'm feeling low and worried I could get really depressed.
I'm not worried about the corona virus. If it happens to me I'll deal with it then. I don't give a shit. I'm more worried about the political implications of it and my mental health.
That's all I have today. I wanted to put something up to stay active on the blog. It's a pity it can't be more upbeat.

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