
Diabeliac Coeliabetic

My blood sugar has been quite high recently despite taking an extra unit of insulin at each meal. Sun dried tomatoes and raisins were included in a recipe I'm having for dinner this week, which probably contributes extra sugar to my diet, but it's not just dinner. Every meal seems to be a little bit high. I had been snacking a little bit too much on Dr. Coy's chocolates lately but my sugars seem to be high even when I don't. I'm less active too lately. It's hard to stay active when it's winter outside and loneliness means you've no one to go places or do things with. Although I wouldn't be lonely without others if the weather allowed for me to go out and about and find fun things to do on my own. I might try adding more insulin to meals but I need to exercise more to decrease my insulin resistance. I tested myself before dinner a while ago and it read 16.8. That was a big surprise considering it's normally never that high before dinner even though I eat some fruit between breakfast and dinner. I checked my averages before writing this and they're high, but they have been in the 10s for the past couple of months. My 7-day average is 10.7, 14-day is 10.5 and 30-day is 10.6. I don't have a nurse appointment until April but I suspect if my HbA1c was done now it'd be higher than the one from October.
I have an appointment with the dietitian tomorrow. She just called as I was writing this to rearrange my appointment for forty five minutes earlier. I'll mention how the appointment went in next week's post. Not sure what to expect from it but my diet has been more to do with eating what's handy and convenient rather than concentrating on making it healthy. I'll see what advice she gives me and take it from there.
On a lighter note, I've come up with two names for people who have diabetes and coeliac disease at the same time, as you can see from the title of this post. I was thinking about random stuff while preparing dinner earlier and the term "diabeliac" came into my head. But then I thought, I got coeliac disease first and consider myself a coeliac who happens to have diabetes as well. So if diabeliac is a person who's had diabetes longer and considers themselves a diabetic who happens to have coeliac disease, then I must be a coeliabetic! It's a fun thought. Which one are you?


Dinner, Motivation/Inspiration & GF Bread At Subway

This week I had the same dinners as last week except I used rosemary on the Carb Lovers Cauliflower, as i had no chives and didn't want the rosemary to go to waste. But that only gave it a bitter after taste to be honest. I'll have to research again what rosemary goes well with. I also had the same fish recipe for dinner.
I've been struggling to motivate myself to keep going with this blog and other things in my life. Being autoimmune definitely affects your mental health as well. I wonder if my thyroid is also contributing to my low energy levels and lack of motivation? I was also pondering earlier today as to how I could change up the blog to see how it could help others and maybe eventually make it more... entertaining (for want of a better word). Mainly the help others bit. But I came up with nothing. I already post food recipes on occasion, but it needs to be more than that. Hopefully a moment of inspiration will strike and I can snowball things from there if I can motivate myself to put in the work. I'll try and keep in the habit of posting once a week to keep the blog active though.
I thought of something I can mention that might be of interest. I was reading Becky Excell's blog Gluten Free Cuppa Tea recently and she talked about Subway now starting to sell gluten free bread in the UK. While the bread is in a sealed package, it's prepared in the same area as all the regular sandwiches, toasted in the same oven, the toppings & fillings are near gluten or contain gluten and the same gloves are worn from gluten to gluten free sandwiches, so it's possibly already contaminated with gluten by the time you get it so there's no point in coeliacs eating there. Someone in Dublin on the coeliac experiences group on facebook said they serve gluten free bread in a nearby subway and she ate there before, it was prepared separately and she didn't have an issue. But then she went up to Northern Ireland and tried a Subway there and it wasn't prepared separately and she got contaminated and sick. That only confirms Becky Excell's suspicion to me. Maybe it's worth a try in Ireland but I wouldn't chance it. I definitely won't be going into UK Subways either.
As I was writing I did a bit of a search and here's a link to the blog on subway: https://glutenfreecuppatea.co.uk/2019/06/26/gluten-free-bread-at-subway/
I discovered she has since wrote a subsequent post about people's reaction to the news that Subway now has gluten free bread: https://glutenfreecuppatea.co.uk/2019/06/27/gluten-free-bread-launching-subway/
That's all I have for today. Hope you enjoyed the read and the links.


Back To Routines And Blogging

Trying to get back into the swing of things for the new year. No "new year, new me". Just trying to get back into a routine and improve on things from there. I went with quick and easy rather than healthy for meals, except dinner, this week. Breakfast is shop bought soup with gf & df bread and Violife df cheese alternative. As usual, I have a late morning snack of fruit. This week's dinner consists of Carb Lover's Cauliflower (above) with a dish called Sea Bass en Papillote - both from The Paleo Diet Cookbook. Supper is gf & df bread rolls with cheese, gf sausages and gf black and white puddings.
It's tricky to manage my blood sugar in the middle of the day because the carbs in the dinners are slower acting. I'm trying testing and dosing after eating. I had a low that took a while longer than expected to come up from recently. Then I ended up above 20 even a couple of hours after taking insulin because of thinking I could have an extra snack after the low. So preventing the low should negate the need to eat for a low and risk bouncing back to being too high. I'll monitor the strategy and see how it works out.
It's difficult to motivate myself to trying to improve life outside of my regular routines. I get into habits that free my mind temporarily from what's going on around me and end up procrastinating and wasting a lot of time that could be spent doing constructive things. Indeed today I didn't get out of bed until after 11am, despite waking at 8, because of looking at social media and youtube videos on my phone. As a result I didn't start writing this blog until the evening despite normally publishing posts before 4pm. Part of that is a mental thing, probably triggered by being autoimmine. I'm lonely too. I'd love to have a female companion in my life to keep me happy and motivated. But solving that problem requires stepping out of my comfort zone. Something I can't drive myself to do at the moment. My mental health isn't too bad though, but there's still a lot of room for improvement.
The other issue going on is slight joint pain. Nothing major, bearable brief flashes from certain movements. Probably because I'm low in vitamin D. Must look into supplements. I intend speaking to the doctor about it as a precaution when I go to get my diabetes prescription renewed later this month.
That's what's going on at the moment. I just wanted to put something here to get back in the habit of posting this year. I might put a bit more thought into next week's.

Sensor Issues

My prescription only allows me 2 sensors per month but each one lasts 2 weeks, which covers the whole of February but not every ...