
Faulty Sensor

I put on a new sensor on last night and waited an hour after the initial detection scan as per usual. I scanned when the app said the sensor should be ready. It failed to get a reading with a message to try again in 10 minutes. This was nothing new. It was already late so I turned over and went to sleep. I got up this morning and the first thing I did was try to get a reading from my sensor. But a message came up on the app to replace the sensor because it wasn't working. That was a first! Half the sticker from the previous sensor had come loose in the past week or so but it was still taking good readings.
I removed the sensor. I rang the number on the box and after the usual pressing of numbers on the keypad I eventually got through to a customer service agent. He got me to go into the app menu and told me how to navigate to the error messages. I read the message with a little number code. He took my details and said they'll send out a new sensor with a return pack for the old one. That'll take about 5 days which means it's back to finger pricking at least 4 times a day until next week. Not ideal. 

Sensor Issues

My prescription only allows me 2 sensors per month but each one lasts 2 weeks, which covers the whole of February but not every ...