
Dietitian Appointment

79.3kg (175lbs American readers) I lost 2.2kg (5lbs) since the last time I saw the dietitian. It surprised me because I wasn't very active over the winter and I eat more than 2000 calories a day. She suggested it could be because of struggling with high blood sugar in the months between February and May. Not a healthy way to lose weight. But my blood sugar is better than our phone appointment in April so I can maintain it in a healthy way now. Nothing to report on the coeliac side of things. Like I said to her, I live alone and no one else brings food into the flat so things are pretty much under control there. 2nd vaccine tomorrow and diabetic nurse appointment on the 18th. 
I got the AstraZeneca in April and I was very sick for a week after it. But I'll go for my 2nd one tomorrow to be fully vaccinated. Hopefully I won't be as sick this time.
I was supposed to be seeing the diabetic nurse today too but it got cancelled for some reason. They were going to put me in for the end of July but I told them I was struggling with high blood sugar, had no diabetes clinic since I last saw the nurse in July 2020 and have never seen an endocrinologist even when I was in hospital after being diagnosed at the end of 2018. That and losing the convenience of being able to go straight to the dietitian after seeing her. So now I have an appointment for next week instead. Seeing the diabetic nurse is a happy place for me so having that cancelled after being waiting for so long wasn't good for my mental health. I was in a rage the whole day after the secretary rang me to say it was cancelled. I couldn't understand why I got in such a rage and my mind went to a dark place but it's strange how they can get triggered.
I never did anything on the blog for coeliac awareness week. I might mention that if I think of it the next time I think of posting. What prompted me today was I was on LinkedIn yesterday posting something and updating my profile when I was reminded that there's a link to this blog in it.

Sensor Issues

My prescription only allows me 2 sensors per month but each one lasts 2 weeks, which covers the whole of February but not every ...