
Diabetic Nurse and a Possible Coeliac Issue

I went to the diabetic nurse's clinic on Monday. Got there on time but waited over fifteen minutes after the scheduled appointment time for the nurse to arrive. She was particularly busy that day as she was paged several times during the appointment as well. She weighed me before going into the room. I was up to 82.5kg fully dressed with shoes on. The dietitian told me to try not to go above 80kg but I won't see her until January so I've a few months to alter my eating habits and get leaner. The nurse asked me the usual questions but never examined my feet or took my blood pressure. Had she remembered to take my blood pressure I would have told her about the blood pressure issue I had towards the end of July, but I didn't remember that because she never took it. She did ask about my feet though. I don't know my HbA1c yet. That'll come with the other blood tests she ordered - thyroid, liver function. I did a urine sample for kidneys. The results will be sent to my GP and I'll get them then. She hooked up my glucometer to the computer and printed out the results. She could tell that eight units of Lantus was working well for me from the print out. My blood sugars are in range 50% of the time though. I recently changed from three units of NovoRapid with each meal to four, two and four. Her experience dealing with diabetic patients showed when she recommended taking more with my breakfast. She showed me a pattern on the print out I hadn't noticed just from my glucometer readings. I was consistently higher before dinner (afternoon meal). It clicked in my mind that my late morning snack on a piece of fruit was the culprit. She recommended I take the extra insulin rather than give up the snack. I take five units with breakfast now. I asked her a couple of questions that I'd wrote down from other diabetics' experiences told on a group on facebook. She couldn't be 100% definite on them so I'll save them for an endocrinologist, if I ever see one!
Speaking of which, she wrote to my GP to get him to arrange a referral to one but nothing came of that so she's supposed to write to my GP again to see what the story is. I might ask him about it myself if I'm talking to him about my blood test results. The endocrinologist comes to Tralee from time to time, as far as I'm aware, even though he's based in Cork. I don't mind having to go to Cork for an appointment as long as I get to see him and utilise his expertise to make dealing with diabetes a bit easier.
On the same day I went to the diabetic nurse my bowel was at me again. This time it didn't feel like the fibrous dinner mentioned in the previous blog. I felt a bit sick and had a nap of over an hour in the late afternoon. I was thinking it must be the soups I was having for breakfast. If I buy I usually get Avenmore but Cully & Scully were on special offer so I went with them. They don't have the official crossed grain symbol but they are labelled gluten free. I asked on the Coeliac Experiences group on facebook if anyone else had any trouble with them and if it was just the fact that I'm sensitive to dairy. I was reminded that by law they can't label a product gluten free unless it's less than 20ppm. Another person said they don't feel good after those soups because of milk in the ingredients. I'm thinking there's enough milk in them to cause a reaction and that it wasn't cross contamination. I still had the last of them the following morning though, because I don't want to throw out good food that doesn't have gluten in it.
That's it for today's blog. I hope to be talking about my HbA1c in the next one. Oh! Before I go, I told the diabetic nurse about having Dr. Coy's chocolate and she said it was ok to have a treat like that, even maybe every second day as long as the treat doesn't become a habit. She also gave me the name of a glucose drink for lows that I can get on my diabetes prescription so I'll arrange that the next time I'm at the GP.

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