
Sensor Issues

My prescription only allows me 2 sensors per month but each one lasts 2 weeks, which covers the whole of February but not every other month. That meant I started the 2 of September's supply in late August because I was getting a new sensor as soon as the previous ones finished. So I went almost 2 weeks without a sensor at the end of last month so as not to go into October's supply.
I started a new sensor a few days into the month so that I'd have them right to the end of the month. I started it Wednesday night before bed last week. On Thursday I checked a reading against a blood reading on my glucometer and both read the same. A further check the following day was close enough to not really make a difference so the accuracy was very good. No need to check with a finger sample for some time, I thought. 
Early this morning around 6am I got up to go to the toilet and whatever way I came back into the bedroom I banged the arm with the sensor off the door frame. I checked with my phone but the app said it failed to get a reading and check again in 10 minutes. But I turned over in the bed and slept until not long before my alarm went off. I checked again after I woke up and got the same message. I checked twice more after leaving sufficient time and got the same message both times. I knew then that earlier bang did damage so I removed it before going to work. I could see the needle bent on the sensor before disposing of it. I only got 4 days use from it. It's my own fault that it broke.
I decided to apply another one tonight just before bed and am writing this as I wait for the hour to pass before I can start taking readings. But all this means I'll have to go another 2 weeks without one at the end of the month, which is a bit annoying. 
The thing that adds to the annoyance is the fact that I had one before that half the sticker wore off but it clung on and I still got the 2 weeks out of it. Pity the one that got a bang wasn't as durable. 

Sensor Issues

My prescription only allows me 2 sensors per month but each one lasts 2 weeks, which covers the whole of February but not every ...